2. Another one that i noticed a lot was the "rounding" method. this because a lot of time its a sign of erosion and it indicated that the rock has been there for a while and has travel great distances.
3. The "grain size" contains gravel, slit, and clay carry. this mostly contains sand minerals. They are normally categorized as course, medium, fine. some of these may contain filtered sand as well.
4. When i was looking at all the sand types i did not recognize any "surface features" .
5. I was able to identify more the half of the sand by "color/composition" this is when rocks or minerals are categorized as types of rock or grain.
6. Another way that i was able to identify some of the sand is by "texture" such as the way sand is shaped the way it looks the way it feels the color that it is there was many ways that the texture of the sand helped.
I love how you used pictures to define the vocabulary.